In Green Bay, the Fox Valley, the Door Peninsula, Manitowoc, and Sheboygan, conservationists like you are working with Casey to make change happen at the state and local level through transformational community organizing.
It’s in part because of the high profile problems with contaminated drinking water in northeast Wisconsin that Governor Evers declared 2019 “The Year of Clean Drinking Water.” Manure contamination has dominated the headlines in the region, leading to improvements in manure spreading rules under NR 151. As NR 151 is implemented, Casey and other conservationists will be monitoring the impacts and continuing to work with folks who are effected by manure contamination in their drinking water.
Casey is also leading the way in Brown County to encourage the transition to 100 percent clean energy, developing a broad-based coalition and a team of volunteers to champion clean energy. In the City of Green Bay, he is also working to improve early voting, making it more accessible for all.
It’s shaping up to be an exciting year, with lots happening at the local and state levels of government. Stay tuned for updates and victories on all of our campaigns, and for opportunities for you be a part of the conservation voter movement in your community.
Want to get involved? Are you working on environmental campaigns in your community? Casey would love to hear from you! Contact him at or 920-429-9008.
Take action today. Sign the clean water pledge!